
Google Analytics: A Quick & Dirty Video Course

Google Analytics: A Quick & Dirty Video Course


These 6 super simple videos will show you the handful of metrics I look at every month. (You’ll be surprised by just how little time you need to learn a TON about what people are doing on your site!)

The videos will walk you through:

☞ How to Set Up Goals In Google Analytics

☞ How to Find Your Page’s Conversion Rate

☞ How to Find Your Best Converting Traffic Sources

☞ How to Discover Your Most Popular Posts

☞ How to Find What You’re Ranking for On Google

☞ How to Pinpoint Your Most Click-Worthy Headlines on Social

ALSO INCLUDED: Stats at a Glance Dashboard <– you add it to your GA account in 2 clicks and get the important data all on one screen!

After spending less than an hour in Google Analytics, you’ll come away with a clear understanding of how to optimize your site, what you should STOP doing in your marketing, and what to do more and more of!

“I’ve had Google Analytics installed on my website since I don’t know when but I didn’t realize all I could do with this powerful tool until Claire showed me! Setting goals and having quick glance dashboards has been such a game changer.

Not only do I understand the detailed breakdown of where my traffic is coming from, but I’m also crystal-clear on which of those traffic sources are actually impacting my business!

As a business owner I have so many things to learn on a daily basis. Breaking down the details of Google Analytics with Claire is finally off my list and I gotta tell you, I’m feeling super smart right now. “

– Val Geisler, Digital Strategist

"You don't know how long I've been trying to understand my Google Analytics. I've spent countless hours on YouTube trying to figure out what everything means and I still end up confused. Metrics are not my thing but you made it super simple for my VA and I to follow - so thank you!"

– Janet Kafadar, Course Design Consultant

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